Why Tobacco Destroys the Environment and Causes Environmental Pollution


Why Tobacco Destroys the Environment and Causes Environmental Pollution

Tobacco production and consumption not only have harmful effects on human health but also negatively impact the environment. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cigarette filters, smokeless tobacco, and e-cigarettes contribute to the accumulation of plastic pollution in oceans, rivers, parks, soil, and beaches, causing severe environmental damage. It is estimated that about 4.5 trillion cigarette filters pollute the environment annually . The tobacco industry is also responsible for deforestation, particularly in developing countries where tobacco farming is prevalent. The research shows that deforestation for tobacco plantations leads to soil degradation, low yields, and failing capacity for the land to support other crops or vegetation . The United Nations reports that tobacco use costs the world over eight million lives each year, with harmful effects on both human health and the environment