Top 5 nutrients to help you lose belly fat

Belly fat can be effectively removed by practicing diet along with exercise.

Top 5 nutrients to help you lose belly fat

vitamin B group

B vitamins help the body burn fat well during the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Eating foods rich in B vitamins or taking multivitamins and nutritional supplements will help you lose weight. B vitamins are found in milk, eggs, salmon, tuna, green and yellow vegetables, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and lentils.

Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber, called the 'seventh nutrient', prevents obesity by controlling the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the body after a meal, and prevents overeating by maintaining a feeling of fullness. In addition, it helps the peristaltic movement of the intestines, prevents constipation and facilitates the discharge of waste products. Dietary fiber is abundant in vegetables and fruits, especially cabbage, sweet potatoes, carrots, and spinach. Another option is to take dietary fiber supplements.

iron content

If you don't have enough iron in your body, you won't lose weight. To burn body fat, the body needs oxygen, because hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to each tissue in the body, is made up of iron. In particular, women with anemia due to iron deficiency must treat anemia first to see the effect of dieting. It is good to eat spinach, sesame leaves, potatoes, tofu, red meat, chicken, nuts, etc., which are rich in iron. Taking iron supplements together may also help.


Calcium promotes fat metabolism while inhibiting fat absorption. Losing weight can decrease your bone density, which can increase your risk of osteoporosis and increase your chances of getting injured while exercising. It is recommended to take calcium supplements or eat calcium-rich milk, cheese, yogurt, and fish with bones. However, calcium supplements should not be taken at the same time as iron supplements. Because the mechanism of absorption into the body is the same, the absorption of the other side is hindered.


The reason fat accumulates only in the abdomen is because there is not enough growth hormone to spread the fat evenly throughout the body. Arginine, one of the amino acids, promotes the secretion of growth hormone that prevents belly fat from coming out. Many people do not eat meat to lose belly fat, but it is better to eat a little beef rich in arginine. Sesame seeds, abalone, and hemp also contain a lot of arginine.